No, not the Space Shuttle, the
Association. I had an opportunity on Friday of last week to take the "whip" up to Limerock. A friend was racing his Legend car at this event sponsored by NASA and needed a hand. Who could pass up a nice ride up to Litchfield on a Friday, right. Anyway, this organization, from what I could tell, is comprised of a bunch of guys who run events as various tracks with semi-modifed cars (some with roll cages, slicks, slightly tuned motors, etc) with Vettes to Miatas and Civics. They have a bunch of classes including big-bore, small-bore, vintage, DE classes. Remember the latter...
So, as my juices were running, I could help but ask one of the Tech guys, "Hey, how does a non-classed driver like me get my Cobra out on the track?" He tells me all I need to do is to show up at their next event (Nov. 8th) when there running their DE (driver's education) day. You start in their DE1 class, and a Tech guys sits with you, in YOUR car, and you get to drive around the track with him. If you pass his "test", you can then run by yourself in the DE2 class (just you, but no passing in the turns). Beyond that, if you're really serious, you move on to DE3 and 4, possibly a little too serious for me. No stupid "broom-stick" test, just you, your car and a helmet. All for the low, low price of $270.00 bucks. I say not bad for a opportunity to run around the "Rock" for a day.
Here's there link,
The weather may be a crap shoot for that day, bring your long underwear. Let me know.
P.S. Does insurance allow "driver education", wink wink.