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Got cold feet yesterday
Went to Park Place Motors yesterday to make an offer on the Cobra I have been looking at. Got them to within $114.92 of what I wanted to pay and just could not bring myself to write the check.
Guess I need to provide a little history here. I'm 55. I first drove an original Cobra when I was 16. The father of a buddy of mine in high school let me drive his. I have lusted for one ever since.
Well a couple weeks ago, my one and only daughter got married, so in essence my responsibilities in that department are over and I have the income that will allow me to buy the Cobra.
What's holding me back? Fear. What if after all these years, it's not really what I'm expecting and I'm disappointed.
Make sense???
Has anyone else gone through this? Or bought one and been disappointed?
I know, I can always resell it if I don't like it, but I hate to kill a dream.
Any input?????