I bought my first replica Cobra some years ago, an Excalibur. I was somewhat disappointed with it, all though a very nice car. For me it did not recreate what the 427 Cobras were really all about, BIG BLOCK, IRS, more accurate detailing of the car itself. Excal's are longer, wider, more comfortable, small block, 5 speed, it was just to far from 'period correct' to recreate the 'feeling' of what a Cobra should be like. So I sold it, then some weeks later, I really missed it. All though not a perfect recreation, at least it was basically a Cobra, and now I had nothing like it! I had to pay the guy an additional $3000 over what I sold it to him for to pry it out his hands (and that within a month or so of selling it)!
Eventually I figured it out, I decided to sell again, but THIS TIME I was serious about acquiring a more accurate replica. I bought my ERA, with a 427 side oiler, flat tappet cam, original heads and intake, top loader 4 speed, Goodyear Bill Board tires, IRS, pretty darn close to 'back in the day'.
If you really want to recreate what you experienced back then, choose wisely what replica you buy today. Most of them are NOT anything like the real ones were, you could say their 'better'. Better being a relative term of course!
I have no plans to sell my ERA, even though I don't drive it nearly as much as I used to. Just 'having it' is enough for me, and the occasional weekend drive is truly like a 'time machine'.