Thread: Music & War
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Old 08-09-2007, 12:53 PM
Sizzler Sizzler is offline
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Originally Posted by BeanCounter
To some people there's always a great conspiracy on something and it's generally headed up by "the man"
For those of you who think "the man" is a myth or a conspiracy theory and nothing more...

A live Internet broadcast of Pearl Jam's performance at Chicago's Lollapalooza music festival Sunday went off without a hitch -- until singer Eddie Vedder criticized President Bush.

Lyrics critical of the president didn't make it past editors of the show's Webcast, the band complained Wednesday on its Web site.

The performance, sponsored by AT&T Inc. and carried on AT&T's "Blue Room" site, omitted the lyrics "George Bush, leave this world alone" and "George Bush, find yourself another home" as part of a version of the song "Daughter," according to the Pearl Jam Web site.

"When asked about the missing performance, AT&T informed Lollapalooza that portions of the show were, in fact, missing from the Webcast.

The statement from Pearl Jam, a band with strong political views, cited net neutrality in its statement as an issue.

"If a company that is controlling a Webcast is cutting out bits of our performance -- not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations -- fans have little choice but to watch the censored version," the band said. "What happened to us this weekend was a wake-up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band."
Once again, back in the heydays of protest music, there was more independence both in control of what was played and in what was marketed/produced. Today's consolidation into corporate conglomerates of the music business, is anathema to free thought/speech/song being made available to the American public.
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