newbie owner here... with a paranoid question... was out driving on some country roads tonight & a couple of times heard a loud, cracking sound. Is this just a rock banging around underneath? Sounded like the car was going to split in two. It really freaked me out. Pulled over & opened the hood... everything seemed fine... running smoothly (a relative term), good
oil pressure, running cool, no fluids leaking, nothing missing, no smoking, yada yada yada. I try to keep enough distance from cars ahead of me so that nothing will be kicked up into mine, though I suppose my own tires may have caught something. Anything in the front end I should be watching for, as far as loosening up? I usually do a pre-flight before each outing, though I may not be thorough enough. I welcome your suggestions...
P.S. I have the Pete Jackson timing gear set, & have heard (from
some) that it goes out with a bang, so that was my first thought. Seems to be fine tho...
Now that I think about it, the
oil pan is so low that it wouldn't take much to hit that & maybe ricochet around a bit. Dunno...
yea, that's me... the
Nervous Nelly...
just want to keep the learning curve as short as possible...