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... actually, it happened while accelerating away from a stop light... was probably doing about 40-50 mph. There was a car in front of me, tho I thought I kept a safe distance. Wasn't a single impact... it banged around underneath a couple of times. Just couldn't figure out what could've come loose (if anything actually did).
It wasn't really a country road per se... is a 2 lane highway out in the sticks (Sierra Highway- from Canyon Country to Acton) Not the best road, but not the worst either. I'm sure there's some loose rubble from time to time.
Took the freeway back home... was fine... no issues, tho I'll still probably crawl underneath & doublecheck...
am curious to know what everyone's pre-flight regimen is...
R. Smith
Santa Clarita, CA
BDR #89- KCR aluminum 427 windsor, TKO-600