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First off, let me apologize for the way my response was put together. Some of you thought my wrath was directed at you when it wasn't.
All of the activities described that are illegal are up to the police to handle. Rest assured that somebody, somewhere has probably said something about the "vast majority" (what percentage does it take to constitute a "vast majority", anyway?) of Cobras (insert traffic offense here), too.
Wayne: I don't condone anybody doing what you described. In Colorado a cyclist has the same rights an reponsibilities as a motorist, including obeying traffic laws. I know people who have received tickets because they broke the law. Nothing wrong with that. I also see a lot of automobiles break the law (myself included). That's what the cops are for. Don't lump all cyclists in together. The one or two idiots doing something to p*ss you off are the ones you're going to remember, not the cyclists behaving themselves. What some cyclists do in urban areas scares the h*ll out me, too.
Have I ever ran a red light on by bicycle? Only when nobody was around and I knew the paltry amount of steel (axles, bottom bracket and fasteners) on my bike wouldn't trip the magnetic loop so the light would change. Am I supposed to sit there for ten minutes waiting for a car to show up going the same direction? I have no desire to get creamed by a car and ride accordingly.
Ron: The fees remark was more directed to the esteemed Texan who was going to write the letter to the mayor and governor. In Colorado, we don't pay fees, either. My point about the "any road" was that his argument that cyclists DON"T pay could open up a whole new can of worms if they did pay. Other than interstate highways, which they keep us off now, how could they keep us off? We've paid our fees! Now we're entitled to be there, just like cars!
If I had my $4,000 road bike stolen, think the police would have any interest in looking for it? Why not? They look for stolen cars! What's the difference? I paid my fees!
I've heard the fee argument before. He should be careful what he asks for. He may get it.
We also have bike paths here. Cyclists complain about the roller bladers, skateboarders, joggers, baby strollers, and just-walking-along-with-their-heads-up-their-a$$ types on the bike paths just like motorists complain about bikes on the roads. Another problem with bike paths is that they don't always go where you want to go.
We have our share of A** Hole* here, too. What doesn't help is people thinking they should enforce their own brand of justice to cyclists. But, seriously, how would you feel if you did run over a cyclist? What if the legal system decided you were at fault? Ready to have your life changed that much, just because he was "infringing" on your turf?
Oh yeah, and to all the hot-heads that posted to this thread threatening violence towards cyclists, if you ever do assault or run over a cyclist, be sure and show this thread to the judge at your sentencing hearing. He'd probably love to read it.