No argument from me on that. Fortunately we don't have much street racing here and I too agree that is is dangerous and should be severely penalized. The chirping a tire is a speed exhibition here also as I stated in an earlier post, but the first fine the last I heard, which was two years ago was $ 500 and then if you got a 2nd one it was $1500. I am sure they may have gone up but I don't intend to find out by doing it. So far as I know they don't impound the car here unless you are under the influence of something and then I have no problem at all with that. In fact I think that with the exception of automatically impounding the car every time, your law is better than ours. I just don't think that a chirp when starting from a stop light should be considered a speed exhibition when you are in bumper to bumper traffic doing 15 MPH.