madmaxx: You may be right.............IF you don't care about many of the things that come standard on an SPF, or they simply aren't that important to you, then I would say that the BDR is the way to go.
Back when I was looking, SPF didn't have the 2000.00 "Shelby mark-up", and their rollers were right around 8-10K more than the BDR. However, many of the items that were "standard" on SPF were important to me (but that's just ME), and after I added them to the sticker of a BDR, the cars were pretty close in price.
If things like: A Top; side curtains; Toneau cover; true Pin Drive / Knock-off wheels; Heater / defroster; Glove box;
oil cooler w/ braided lines; Leather seats; SS side vents; SS roll bar; Smith guages; and a true Show Quality paint job, aren't that important to you, then by all means go with a BDR and save a few grand.
-To me............they were worth the extra $$$. -But that's just ME.