Ron - I could speed read that garbage. Amazing stuff. I think I posted something similar a while back.
Don't you know how to cook a Cobra? Ten minutes per pound at 375°F.
Just like cooking a very big turkey.
The revised weather report was just off slightly. Only got to 92°F, but that is still hot enough for me. Took a ride in the Merc - horrors of horrors - the AC crapped out. What pisses my off is that I just had it charged about 5 weeks ago. Guess its time to put that POS out of its misery and get a new daily driver.
Tru - I spent about $1600 for my set of golf clubs about 3 years ago. The definition of "good" is very difficult to determine. I went to a big golf store down in Myrtle Beach when I was on vacation and had the clubs professionally fitted. Had to hit various shots into this special $50K video golf cage with many many different clubs. The pro then had the clubs made up with everything tailored to my swing. I even tried out about 15 different putters. The whole process took almost 2 hours, and my arms were tired.
Boy, what a difference as compared to my ancient set of clubs that I got in the mid 70's for $100.
If you are thinking of playing golf, go get some lessons from a golf pro. Then get a good set of clubs that are made just for you. It makes the sport so much more enjoyable.
That Magellan GPS does just about everything except drive the car.
Now that I've read the instruction book, I have to find a good place to mount it in the Cobra. May have to make a bracket between the support bars between the tunnel and lower dashboard. Certainly do not want to glue it to the dashboard (one option in the instructions), or use the suction cup.