Originally Posted by bomelia
I read this stuff and am left with a mild sense of angst. I suppose it is happening on both sides of the aisle, but I believe more so on the Democratic side. YouTube debates, Move on debates, Daily Kos debates. What is this? Could the Presidency one day be held by a group of people? Same for the Senate and the House?
Recently I was reminded that the right to vote is not a right at all. It is left to the states to decide who can and cannot vote. In my state, you have to show a picture ID. Used to be that only landowners could vote. I like that. Vested, informed, interested. That would really screw up the Blue states, wouldn't it? I would love to see a map showing Blue/Red overlayed with owner/non-owner (land/house, etc).
Are these two thoughts (above 2 paragraphs) related? I think so.
I recently saw a transcript of Demo candidates speaking to an organized labor gathering. I think labor does not trust Clinton regarding her coziness with corporate interests. Remember NAFTA and Bill. The world is continuously being divided into those who work and those that just ride free, many now living on huge corporate dividends counted with uncalloused hands, passed generation to generation.
Now, in all fairness, I have some minor stocks too... but my little monopoly house doesn't hold up too well to the mega-hotel Boardwalk bunch. I'm almost afraid to go around Go. Lately more than ever, I have this feeling they want it all, last man (group?) left standing. So it looks to me like, yes, a
very small group will eventually run things, the result of years of strictly banding together for power. I hope the vast middle class, the working class, wins, or at least holds it's own, for your and my kids sake. That's really what America is... your and my kids, all our kids... isn't it? Aren't we all here the working class, the ones with relatively meager assets but a wealth of calluses?
I think a map showing Blue/Red overlayed with owner/non-owner would not reveal much in itself. Almost all US land is owned. In the event that the
political type of owner were to somehow be distinguished, don't forget that much of America is being sold to foreign interests these days. Not blue, not red. Sad state of affairs.
Originally Posted by bomelia
"Are these two thoughts (above 2 paragraphs) related? I think so."
Guess they are related in my view. I have a fear that a small group of owners will dictate everything. If that's what you meant.