We don't have any good wheel shop anywhere around here. I just got home from Bills and he said he talked to them and they said that the rim should not be straightened with the way that one ding is in it, but if he sends it back to them they can cut the inner rim off at the center where it is welded and weld a complete new inner rim on. It will cost some but not as much as a new one and I would rather do this than wonder if they tried to straighten that place if it was going to break the seal on a hard turn and let air out. So I think I am going that route. He has the new intake ordered for the carb set up and now all we have to worry about is will the bubble in the hood clear. If not, then I will have to have it enlarged like my friend did his when he was racing it and went to the high rise set up. Then get the wheels aligned and get that loose connector in the wiring tracked down and fixed and the car will be in good shape.