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Hi Guys,
I'll start out by saying that I'm as sad to see Bob leave as anyone ... he has been a great friend and taught me a lot about the "cobra" biz. He is still a member of the "family" and I'm sure he'll be making apperances at some of our events from time to time as he still has his personal car.
We will still continue to support all of the existing Midstates cars and customers as well as all of the existing Shell Valley cars and customers.
As for the Midstates product going away, in a sence that is true. As of the first of this year, we have no longer been making a Midstates or a Shell Valley. What we've done is combined the two, taking what we felt were the best attributes of both cars, and producing a new offering we are calling the Generation II. You can call it a Midstates, you can call it a Shell Valley, but I call it the best of both worlds!
Hopefully this helps clear some things up, but if anyone has any questions, just let me know.
I've already met several of the great Midstates customers from years past, but I'd love to meet more, so if you see me at a show, stop and say hi!