Well Sunday was the big day, Fire it UP! My son in the drivers seat turned the ignition on and pushed the separate start button. It cranked over nicely but no fire... He pokes his head out the window and says, "Did you plug in the coil wire?" DOH!!! I hadn't... It roared to life all but instantly with that done. Sheesssshhh, it'll be sometime before I live THAT down, he strutted around and crowed about it ad nauseum.
Motor sounds real good and was pushing 60 lbs of
oil pressure!
We do have a few unexpected problems to rectify before a test drive. Clutch slave trouble, ruptured
oil pressure gauge line (boy was that a mess), broken throttle linkage pivot (40 some year old piece of plastic) and the twin carbs are way out of balance. With luck we'll be driving by next weekend! Pictures to follow, had a problem with the camera...