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Hi Larry,
I use 4-1/2" diameter lens bullet style mirrors. I got mine from, item #9-1839, $89.95 each. I got the largest replacement right side lens (standard right side magnification) I could from Pep Boys and cut out the same size circle as the flat lens. I replaced the flat lens with the cut out convex lens for use on the right side mirror. I retained and used the flat lens on the left side. The 4-1/2" lens has about 50% more lens area than the factory 3-3/4" lens and the standard magnification on the right mirror (which is the same magnification on all the newer cars so you are used to that magnification) makes the right side mirror even better. I also made a lens from a back-up convex lens but the magnification was too great and everything was fish-eyed for my taste so I stayed with the standard magnification. I located the mirrors as far forward on the door as possible without going so far that the windshield piller got in the way and they work terrific for me.
Hope this helps.