Originally Posted by Goopie 18
All I needed was MSO, Insurance certification, mileage certification, and bill of sale, and a check for the sales tax. My SPF is registered as a 2006 Superformance. New law in Florida also allows you to register as the year car is replicated. Go to McMichaels Motors web site to down load information.
So, the MSO you got with your SPF was enough? I'm being asked to provide serial numbers for engine block and transmission at the very least. Also, I was told that I need to provide a certified weight slip from a weight station. No one has told me anything about a mileage certification althought I assumed that it would be on the title app. Did you have to take your car to the DMV to be inspected? Jury seems to be out on this at my office. Can't understand why these folks don't know what it is that they're supposed to do. I'll check out the web site you mentioned. Thanks.