I have been wrestling with a proplexing problem with my windsor. My engine is built for 2000 to 6000 rpm. The dip stick will pop out of the tube ( front cover 1969 model) when the motor sees 5000 or more rpm. This can make somewhat of a mess in my engine compartment.
I have a Canton 9 qt. road race pan/windage tray/ pick/ crank scraper kit.
I run 8 1/2 qts of
oil total/
Big KN stlye valve cover breather on one side and a free working PCV hooked to manifold vacuum on the other cover. I have confirmed the proper function of both.
The dip stick fits plent tight in the tube.
I do not know if this is crank case pressure or
oil impingining of the dip stick that causes it to pop out like this.
Any experiences or ideas of what could be wrong?