Thanks for the replies.
I would love to go to the run and gun, but I can't. I need at least 3 months notification to take any time off from work. Plus I have something else going on at that time.
SSSammy, I may come out tomorrow morning, I will see if the wife has to work, and if not, see if she wants to go.
fsstnotch I expected everyone to name their own brand, I was wondering what was the reason you chose that one. Thanks for the link. I had not found that yet. There are a lot more manufacturers that I had not yet found.
Don, My budget will be tight, I want to keep it under 25K if possible, but I also would prefer all new parts. I am considering selling my Mustang, to get rid of the monthly payment on it to put that towards the kit. As I stand right now since I made the decision to work towards my dream car, I have lost all interest in the Mustang. I do want a car that at minimum I have to assemble. I enjoy working on cars, and my second car dream is to build my own car. I may not be designing this one, but the physical build will give me the satisfaction of doing it myself.
I have also already registered on FFCobra and Lonestar forums. Asking specific questions there, From what I have found so far, those 2 seem to be in the lead for the complete package of what I like. I just don't want to not look at something, and then regret it.