Rick, you make a very good point. It's always a great idea when asking questions to state the main use of your vehicle; drag, road race, rally or street use. Each use poses a different set of considerations and problems. Makes no sense to spend the money to set a car up for road racing if the only intended use is on the street. Conversely, using a car set up for street use on a road course or drag strip could be quite hair raising.
Regarding the stock pickup for the Preluber, yeah, they make an adapter to use in the drain plug. For stock pans what else were they going to use? Most stock
oil pans don't have the luxury of a convenient extra fitting on the side of the sump like the Cantons do. No matter, the
oil gets filtered before entering the engine so I don't see any problem.
I would imagine that with the Accusump the oiling circuit is pretty much similar to the Preluber. I would guess
oil is picked up via the oil pump, pressurized and sent to the Accusump reservoir and held there. When discharged the oil would then pass through the oil filter on its way into the engine. If that is true, then both systems operate in pretty much the same manner, one using stored pressure, the other using a remote electric pump, to pressurize oil through the oil filter and finally the engine. Someone mentioned space-saving. The Preluber actually takes up less physical space because it doesn't actually store 3 quarts of oil within itself.
In my opinion, I would choose a Preluber for a street prepped car and an Accusump for a track prepped car.