Originally Posted by Chics LI
Nice run yesterday. A little tough getting caught up on return run. We were at tail end with Bobby and kept getting red TSL's and then locals in the way. Couple of d**kheads blocking us. When we finally got around we caught up. Saw one trooper with a victim, glad is was not one of us.
Jamie, glad to meet you and put the face with the name. Gashole shirt gave you up. Thanks for letting my son use your chair for awhile.
Tom S.
Tom -- Good meeting you. It was a great day and real nice drive up to Lime Rock. Also met FIA Joe Lombardi. Can you guys get Ron to finish his car so he can join NEXT year!
I have picture of Sal ensuring that one of the many road kills on rt.22 was completely finished off as he changed lanes. I will try to post it.