Here is the reason why you saw a front spindle AND front hubs in the oven. You see, the front spindle is a VERY WEAK link on an original car. The spindle is only 1.250 inches in diameter so it flexes quite terribly under hard braking and driving. When the spindle flexes, the rotor moves around and knocks the brake pads back away from the rotor.
So, when you step on the brakes at the end of the straight, your pedal travels further down than you expect it to before it engages. Then you miss your braking point, you panic, and try to jam the brake pedal to the floor before this big wall of black tires prints "Goodyear" all over your car (and you).
If you are lucky, you are driving at Miller Motorsports Park when this happens where there is a ton of run off and you simply pretend you are Michele Kwan and do a few (not so graceful) pirouettes. The worst part of the experience is the inevitable black flag pointing your direction telling you to return to the pits--where you will be greeted by a rousing standing ovation by all your friends. Spin off turn 9 at Willow, and well, you just might be greeted by the ambulance crew.