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The rumor mill suggests that there may be a dark side to gene therapy along the weight control front. Early word on related studies suggests some unwanted side effects need to be overcome:
- male mice grow long manes of fast-growing shiny head hair, their external genetalia shrinks and becomes almost internal, they become difficult to awaken, and they spend increased hours grooming and preening;
- female mice lose patches of head hair, but gain more hair on their back, their mammary glands shrink, their squeek deepens, and they stop asking for directions when they got lost in the mouse maze.
Other studies that went forward with human trials were well received in the transgender community.
Seriously, sad to say, but most gene therapy solutions will solve problems for our kids and grandkids.
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2011 TCC President
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Last edited by jshel1; 09-04-2007 at 07:18 PM..