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After reading this post and every reply, I begging to write, and for the life of me I'm trying to be positive with my comments. I'm not a psychologist and I'm not trained in anyway to read the mind of an individual.
But I can't help to think based on what I read, that deep down inside he really did not want a Cobra. For him a Cobra only temporary satisfied a need for approval from a buddy or family members to say “I ONCE OWNED A COBRA”..... MAY BE BRAGGING RIGHTS ETC. The things that he went through was so un-necessary and a total waste of money. TOO MUCH MONEY WAS THE MAIN PROBLEM. What can you say about a MAN??????????? that needs approval and advice from a three year old?
A Cobra is a car for you, not for the family.
Stick with the Corvette, mother will love you better…..
Last edited by SKINNEDR; 09-06-2007 at 09:35 AM..