Not Ranked
What the hell am I reading here...A lynching or a love in?!? Good God! Someone send in the Marines! No wonder our country is getting so soft. This drabble is exactly how whole industries get a bad rap...someone without knowledge makes some mistakes, the dream gets crushed, and now it's everyone else's problem because the answer is to somehow make this thread a sticky (and edited on top of that)?
Fact #1: There are many like Rob before him, and there will be many like Rob after him. It's human nature to @#%& up. Get over it.
Fact #2: He didn't make one mistake...he made several. It's called the School of Hard Knocks. Do your research or get's that simple.
Fact #3: I wish I had $100 for every goof I've ever committed on the various cars I've worked on in my lifetime (Camaros, Mustangs, Corvettes and now my Cobra). I would have been able to buy his Kirkham for the $88K he let it go at.
Fact #4: Most other forums would have eaten him alive...period. He's been treated more than fair here. You expose. That's the way the Internet works. Deal with it.
Fact #5: These cars are essentially "vintage race cars with license plates." We, we LOVE them that way. It's part of their character. They are not for everyone. Learn how to use Google, educate your mind and grow from the journey.