The owners manual says 95 to 97°C is when the fans turn on. Mine turn on when the gauge "indicates" about 90 to 93°C.
Your gauge "may" be inaccurate. But the standard radiator cap is only a 7 PSI unit. The owners manual says temps above 100°C during normal driving indicates a problem ... and if it goes to 110°C, shut off the motor and allow it to cool down.
Get something that will boil water in a small container, like those little electric coffee cup warmers or a hot plate. Remove the water temp bulb from the engine and put it in the hot boiling water ... your gauge should read 100°C.
If you have pure water in radiator and a 7 PSI cap, the water will boil in the radiator at 112°C (233°F). I use a 50/50 mixture of
antifreeze and distilled water (NO tap water). I've never had a problem.
I do not know if there is any adjustment in the fan trip point.