Whew, yesterday was a very bad day for me! Today is much better! I still wish I was home, but I can tolerate it! My sanity and my family are the most important things to me! if I had to, i'd pack up and leave tomorrow... but I'm gonna make it! Thank you all for the kind words! I can't wait to get this over with and get back to my family and get rolling on the cobra! My wife and I had several goals to meet when i came out here. They are how I ended up deciding to come in the first place. We've met some of those goals but not all! If I leave here without accomplishing them all, i think i may be more disappointed with myself later. I'm going to try my best to stick it out. My wife is going to help me out, and we're gonna get through it together! I'm sure there will be bumps ove rthe next 8 months, but we'll get over them!
landerson, your company does actually have openings for me in SC! I'm a tech controller by title, but I can do anyhting from routers, satcom, some server stuff, computers, mobile wireless, radios, etc etc, I hold a clearance which is definitely a good thing to have when searching for jobs. thanks for the link, I'm going to keep an eye out for jobs when the time nears!
Steve, thanks, I can't speak for Gregg, but I'm pretty good here on stuff! I could use a beer though! haha Not alot.. just 1! Just something to take the edge off!