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Old 09-20-2007, 10:38 AM
Wes Tausend Wes Tausend is offline
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One might assume that the Sultan did not, or could not, personally read the reply because of slight language differences. If so, it would be interesting to have been present when the reply was read to the Sultan. This would be a very awkward moment in the career of the translator.

Or maybe not. If the original "Запорізькі козаки турецькому султану..." is, or was, clear to the Sultans personal eye at the time then it would be interesting to be able to pick a few choice phrases for graffiti purposes. For instance, which word is goatf'er?

With the radical Islamics it seems they're more easily insulted by negative reference to their religious ideals. With us, it's more likely to be insulting if our political patriotism is brought into question. But that is the crafted difference in how we are culturally united to apparently quarrel amongst ourselves as inhabinents of the same planet. For them it is a religious war; for us a political war. Almost the same but not quite.

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