As I expected, very one sided and inaccurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'll be real nice and say the article has way more fiction in it than truth!!!!!!!!!!!
I live one hour from Jena and work there 3 to 4 times a month for the last 12 or so years, have a number of friends and relatives in law enforcement in the area, some whom have been directly envolved in this case, lets just say the stories the media have put out make for good stories, the truth not withstanding!!!!!!!!!!!
The part I like the most is about the party,basically what was in the article is fiction at best.......
the facts are: 2 of the Jena 6 tried to crash an invitation only, private party given and attended by whites and chaperoned by adults....there was a scuffle between the 2 Jena 6 and one adult chaperone outside the party when they tried to enter after being told they were not invited and asked to leave, the cops were called and the 2 guys left, no arrests were made, no gun/guns were ever invovled.........a few days later the same 2 guys saw the chaperone at a burger joint and began harrassing him and then as he tried to leave, they attacked him, he made it to his truck and pulled out a gun to protect himself, in the scuffle the 2 guys took the gun from the man and left...the cops were called and all three people involved were arrested.........later after statements were taken from a number of witnesses,charges against the adult that was attacked were dropped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't see anywhere in the report anything about Bell's past criminal history,here are a few more facts regarding that:
By his 15th birthday he had been convicted of 4 violent crimes, one of which was when he beat a 14 year old black girl with a pipe, she almost died from the beating,as of now,he still has 2 arrests for violent crimes which he has yet to stand trial for, does that sound like a good kid????
he is the leader of his own street gang that has been harrassing blacks as well as whites and has said on many occasions he and his gang "rule the streets of Jena".....not quite a boy scout IMHO....
His past criminal history and the fact that he is already on probation for his other convictions are the reason he was tried as an adult, the reason he stayed in jail all this time is he could not make his $90,000.00 bail for attempted murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all of the Jena 6 were/are football players on the high school team with 2 being over six feet tall and in the 200 pound range,the boy beaten was a little keeky looking kid surrounded by a mob of black students when he was attacked going from the school parking lot to school.
Yes, there were nooses hanging from the tree and the students responsible were punished as stated, the District Attorney refused to press charges against the boys responsible as jesse/al/naacp wanted, stating "it is not against the law in Louisiana to hang a rope from a tree, no crime was committed",which is a fact......
This whole thing has been blown way out of porportion by the media and a handful of civil rights activist.
The media was predicting from 25 to 50 thousand people for the march/protest, I have yet to see or hear a figure from them, wonder why??? according to people there, maybe 5 thousand showed up...........
Was it really an all-white jury that convicted Bell?
Yes. There were 150 people summoned for jury duty, although only about 50 appeared. That ratio is normal for LaSalle Parish, court officials said. In those 50 who appeared, none were black. There was no effort to find the nearly 100 who didn’t appear, both black and white. That too, is common in LaSalle Parish. Punishment for dodging jury duty is at the discretion of the judge.
Community members have squabbled over how many minorities appeared on the list of 150 potential jurors with numbers ranging from four to more than 20. There is no entry in the juror database for race to ensure that bias isn’t used in jury selection, a court official said.
Yes it was an all white jury,yes blacks were sent notices for jury duty, they did not show up, this was orchestrated before hand thru the blacks churchs in the area......I did not see anywhere that all the witnesses of the beating were other black students, they were the ones that destified under oath as to what they saw and that's how Bell was convicted!!!!!!!!!!!!