Originally Posted by fsstnotch
IMHO opinion... this thread is pretty useless! I mean.. if we don't have both sides to the story, how can we compare?
Of course it is useless, it was never meant to have any use for any one except Pavulon. This thread was created simply as a strong arm tactic to try to gain leverage in getting his deposit back. Pavulon claims up front that he was "not naming names" and was just "looking for advice", yet he posts this thread in the ERA forum . . .

Frankly, I am surprised Bob replied at all.
Originally Posted by fsstnotch
"And what does it matter if they started his build? I mean, surely they can sell it to the next customer with a ease, especially if the wait time is now 3 months instead of 6!"
It matters if they started the build because up until the time they start the build, the deposit is 100% refundable. After the build is started, refund is discretionary based on work done. The fact that they agreed to give him a refund after they started work (if that is in fact the case) shows that they were acting in good faith and not trying to screw him. They could have simply said, "Sorry we've used all your deposit money building the car, there is nothing left to return."
And as to the second part of your question, if this was for a GT 40, I don't think, that spot could be sold to the next customer with ease, because I don't think there are that many GT 40s sold- could months before they take another deposit on a GT 40.
But you are right, this thread is useless.