Wow Dave, we have a lot in common - I have black friends too!
Don't assume that because I present a different perspective, that I am blind to reality and incapable of objective rationalization. I see the two "reverends" as nothing more than a couple of self serving idiots who are so nasty that they would keep race relations in the dark ages just so they can have a situation to exploit and keep themselves relevant. It would definitely not suit them if everyone decided to just get along. The point I try to highlight, though, is that many times people who are not so fundamentally different inside often end up at each others throats simply because thier "take" or perspective on a given issue is colored (no pun - honest
) by their particular life experiences. For example it might be easy for you to accept the viewpoint that says (wink wink) "what's all the fuss - there's nothing illegal about hanging a rope on a tree" as a simple truth while someone else will see that as tacitly and coyly endorsing and approving of a well established, threatening gesture that means "I'll kill you, you black bastard."