Great discussion! I've had the same BFGoodrich radial T/A's on my car since it was built in 1989.
They always seem to shake at high speed and high speed balancing seems to work but does not seem to eliminate the problem. I did have one left front rim that had a wobble 12 years ago and I chucked it up in the lathe and took a 20 to 30 thousandth cut where the rim contacts the spindle and trued up the wheel. I replaced that tire and it was much better. All the other rims were fine.
I still have the same tires(minus the one that was on the out of true rim) and they wear like iron. The tires must have a very hard rubber compound.
I think low profile tires are hard to keep balanced and need rebalanced yearly or at least once every couple of years. When I need new tires, I will keep what was discussed here in mind.