Originally Posted by BeanCounter
What makes you think that the Palestinians have a greater claim to the land than the Jews. After all didn't the Romans destroy and confiscate everything in 79 A.D. and run them out of their own country? I believe it was just giving them their homeland back after a terrible injustice. Now if you can find any Canaanites then maybe you have a point.
Palestinians had (and still have in many cases) registered deeds proving ownership.
Think we should give land back to the Navaho? Any other groups you want to give land back to? Italy, England, Turkey? Why are the Jews special when it comes to giving land back after a few hundred years?
Yes, it was an injustice, but that same injustice has happened to many groups and they all deal with it. You don't correct one wrong by adding another on top of it. This is the land equivalent of Afirmative Action for Jews.
In 500 years are we going to do the same thing for the Palestinians when someone finally decides that they were wronged as well?