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Old 09-21-2007, 03:18 PM
pavulon pavulon is offline
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Originally Posted by Dangerous Doug
Pavulon: Time to pony up with some facts.

How many times did you give ERA money?

Did ERA actually start building the GT-40 when you decided you could not continue?

How much money (in increments) have you given ERA?

How much money have you recieved back from ERA so far?

Were these refunds consistent with ERA's stated policy, or was ERA/Peter being exceptionally nice to you?

Unless you pony up some details, I've lost sympathy for your "plight", real, imagined, or otherwise.

Dangerous Doug
Despite being shown a large amount of disrespect for bringing a real issue to THE place where it belongs (as opposed to another forum where everyone not intertested in ERA has ample opportunity to read/write about it), I'll explain my situation...some of it again.

ERA received two $5,000 payments separated by roughly 2 payment at initial contact and the second after being told by Peter that they were cutting/bending a run of stainless and were unsure as to if they were going to cut/bend anymore as GT production was in question. As I recall, I was asked to specify left or right hand drive at that time and that was all. I informed them that I did not wish to be left w/out opportunity to have a GT and sent the second payment.

As stated earlier, I received a payment of $5,000 after many calls. I have since placed many more calls and been told by Peter a ton of BS to include, "I'll send it next month on the 15th", "I'll send it next week, buddy", "It was sent last week" ..... . Not sure why I'd get one payment and then have the rest turn to excrement but there are soooo many issues here that I can't get my head around I've lost count.

As for policy, I can't quote another company's policy for you just as if you laid down on an OR table, I can't expect you to quote my company's policy for me. Nor can I tell you if a company's policy has changed over the years. I can tell you that Peter and I made a deal and that I've received half the money I was promised and a bunch of lies since. You be the judge of where right and wrong is.

As for sympathy, I've only asked for opinions....I'm not into sympathy. I have been contacted by many people including another guy who had empathy for my situation as he was in a similar situation w/ the same player a few years ago, posted and was roundly shouted down after I seem to be experiencing something similar. I've not been slanderous of ERA to anyone who has PM'd me.

I only want my money back and am disappointed that so many here seem to have such a hard time accepting that someone's reality and another's opinion may not be synonymous. I'm sure that ERA has been great for the vast majority if people. I'm not them.

Lastly, where is the other party on this? Al Gore invented the 'net decades ago. It's a good enough medium to advertise on. Why is it not good enough for an explanation....anyone can post...even people who claim to not give a rip about the topic....but read to the last page to post....odd.

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