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Steve, Steve, Steve,
Always taking the side of the Arabs, but sadly always distorting history. Maybe you should read up concerning the riots of 1929 which might give you an idea of why Haganah and later Irgun came into being. Now they themselves at times pushed the limits of terrorism but we're not talking almost 100 years ago we're talking now. Your defense of Arab conduct versus Jewish conduct, shall we say requires a "suspension of disbelief". And to do so in relative terms of todays conduct smacks of anti-semitism. You defend a people who have killed 3,000 on our own soil, who killed 240 some odd Marines in Lebanon, who bomb our embassies and have commited untold number of other attacks on us with the friendship the Israelis have shown us. Your relativism is sadly lacking. Somewhere it has to stop. For you it seems it will only be when the last Jew is pushed into the sea.
Bernie Crain
Last edited by BeanCounter; 09-21-2007 at 08:04 PM..