Originally Posted by JWheaton
fsstnotch -- Reread my post. I was not bashing you. What I wrote was essentially the same as what Kristen wrote. There is a lot of history that this site has. Some not available anymore due to system outages. As you have joined in July of 07 I thought I would point that out to you regarding the manufacturers and how they have pretty much all used this site. I would have never imagined that you would have read over 7 years worth of threads in two months.
You'd be surprised!

Remember, I'm in Iraq and 99% of the time my job consists of surfing the net. In the IT field.. "if it aint broken... DON'T TOUCH IT!" Especially here where communications are vital to the mission! I read alot! Especially on this board! I gotta soak up all the info I can before the build starts!