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Old 09-22-2007, 11:36 PM
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Hey Steve/VRM: Let me start by saying that I am a racist. Proud of it. I'm a racist against radical arabs and islamists who hate jews, deny the holocost and deny the right of the jews to their country Israel.

I am a racist against radical arabs and islamist who hate jews because they are jews. I am a racist against arabs and islamists who kill jews because they are taught by the koran to do so and taught from nursery school onward that it is the right thing to do.

I am a racist against antisemites. You yourself have demonstrated why the jewish parents of your exgirl friend had suspicions of those who are not jewish and didn't want her to marry a goy. My congratulations to them for having YOU pegged. Unfortunately too many "goys", which is just a hebrew term for identifying someone who is'nt jewish are like you. Anti jewish and anitsemetic. Fortunately also there are many non jews who aren't like you and see the facts and the reality. Thank GOD.

Why do I say you appear and sound anti semetic? Not because you wish to criticize Israel or the jews. I am open to fair criticism but by your own posts you work from a double standard and distort history and the facts against Israel and the jews. You VERY clearly apply a double standard. Thats what separates antisemetic from just critcism. You cleraly sympathize with the arabs, buy their propaganda and are willing to throw the jews under the bus to appease the arabs and radicals and apply a double standard. Its soooo transparent. I am glad you wouldn't defend Israel with a fingenail. We/they wouldn't want you and thank God they don't need you. In fact, if anything guys like you would rather be wearing green head bands and brandishing AKs if given the choice.

First your posts demonstrate you know squat about history or even worse, you are trying to re-write it. The jews historical and biblical claim to the Israeli territory predates Islam. In fact, Islams great prophet, Mohammed was still crapping in his diaper when Judism was thousands of years old. The Arabs built their most holy and oldest Mosque over the Temple Mount. The long and the short of it is that the jews have as much if not more historical and biblical claim to the Israeli territory then the palestinians.

You're broad factually baesless statements paint the picture that the jews (1) never had any claim to the area that is now Israel and (2)second, that they walked in and stole it from poor Arabs. Both statements are false, baseless, misleading and right out of the party line of Hamas, Hellbolah and their like. You probably should be wearing a green head band.

First, there never was a country named Palestine controlled by Palestians. However there was a country named Israel going back to biblical times. The Romans renamed Israel "Palestine" when they conquered it. When many jews started to return to what is now Israel in the middle and late 1800's they began settling in areas they purchased or rented from Arab owners or which were not owned or occupied. Your reference to "deeds" is right out of Noam Chomsky, Edward Said's and Arafats playbook. No arab land was confiscated by jews. The land was purchased where it belonged to arabs or in a majority of cases ABSENTEE arabs. Thats correct "absentee" as many arab owners resided in Syria or Jordan. Based on the influx of jews back to their historical and biblical homeland and the fact that by the 1930's there were significant pockets of jewish population centers and in light of the fact that the jews began cultivating and developing what was an arid and dry waste land and began employing arabs in development, agriculture, manufacture etc.. it became clear, especially after the WWII that the jews should be given a country in their biblical home land. This together with the "Zionist" movement, meaning "self determination" in REcreating ones own land eventually resulted in the State of Israel in 1948. Israel wasn't created it was RECREATED. The jews have created one of the most advanced cultured countrys based on democracy in the world out of an arid waste land. The arabs are still living in the middle ages even with all their oil. (CobraED you also apparently have no clue. Go to Israel, then come back and we'll talk. You'll be shocked at what an amazing country it is).

Second, if you know anything about the history of Israel you would know that it WASN'T that the Palestinians wanted their own country at the time. Nope, they wanted the entire region to be attached and made part of Syria. Isn't that interesting Steve? Yup, you see this fiction that the palestians were deprived of their own country is BS and drummed up by the other arab states as a foil against Israel. They, the Palestinians didn't even want their own country at that time, but they want one now and where do they want to put it. Yup out of the entire arab region they have to have it right where Israel is. What a coincidence. My facts are taken from history books and writings at the time. I can provide references if you care to educate yourself. Your "statements' are right from the antisemetic horsechit propaganda. Steve, Amadinajad is coming to N.Y. perhaps you can get an autograph?

Fact, the White Papers and the UN offered to divide what is now Israel in two giving the areas mostly populated by arabs/palestinians to them and the area mostly populated by the jews to the jews. Guess who accepted the proposal and who rejected it.

When the jews accepted it and the arabs rejected it and after the State of Israel of declared in 1948 guess what was the first thing the arabs did? (a). Send a welcome card from the world community or (b) attack with armies from alll arab states. If you answered "b" your right.

Prior to the Arab states attacking Israel after the 1948 declaration of independence all arabs were warned by the attacking arab states to leave Israel. Many did. Israel didn't push or drive them out. Most left. Fact.

If the palestinians really wanted a country of their own versus the destruction of Israel they have had more then ample opprotunity and blown it everytime from the Camp David accords where they were offered 99% of everything they wanted to being given back the Gaza and turning it back into a wasteland immersed in chaos.

You refer to the many "horrible" things the jews and Israel have done withhout providing any details or specifics or facts. Again just making broad accusations without facts such as the jews taught the arabs how to terrorize. Ridiculous and clearly bias. I'm not saying the Israelis are perfect. Nor am I saying that the jews didn't commit acts of terrorism in the past against arabs and even the British.

But lets put things in perspective shall we. Two wrongs don't make a right. The Israelis have been for the last half century trying to find a way to make peace. The Israelis don't preach death to arabs or teach their children to hate and kill arabs from K1 on up. The Palestinians and many arab states do just that as to the jews. You name a country that has shown the restraint Israel has. You have your home, your friends, your family threatened with death, missles, suicide bombers or lose someone to these animals. What would you want your government to do?

Israel has a propaganda machine? I hope so. They need one. Ever hear of CAIR steve? Ever hear of the Saudi lobby? Ever hear Human rights groups come down on Hamas, Hezzobolah or other homocide groups? I haven't. But Israel gets blasted all the time everytime there is a collateral death. I particularly don't think its fair to criticize a country and people that believe in life and try to avoid killing innocents when they make a mistake but fail to critcize the animals that have as their goal women and children, death, destruction and defeat of any peace plan. Do you?

What say you steve to Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hezzbolah and Al Queada's wish for the destruction of Isael. Sound good? Sound like a plan there stevie?

You're exgirl friends parents would've loved your suggestion of putting Israel in Uganda or your suggestion that some nut jewish terrorist sniping in Middleast at arabs when the arabs were siding with Hiltler, cheering the Afrika Corps, Rommel and signing up for the SS resulted in and was the justification for FDR turning away thousands of jews on ships from Germany trying to escape the Holocost. In fact I didn't read one word of criticiam of the arabs in your posts to them signing up for the SS and siding with the Nazis and their plan for the "final" solution and this was even before there was a suggestion to recreate Israel. Wonder why. Hmmm. I guess they were justified as they were on "Arab" land.

Guys like you make me wretch and you have the termerity to claim your not antisemetic You say you would give your life to defend the life of the jews but not a fingernail for Israel. Your full of it. I see you for what you are. You ain't foolin me.

U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.

Last edited by REAL 1; 09-23-2007 at 09:11 AM..