Originally Posted by jwd
And since there is a long waiting list for these cars, I'm willing to bet that there was no cost to ERA and that the next person in line moved up 1 spot.
Since my Cobra is done and I've been looking to build a GT40, ERA is out of the running and RCR is now in first place. Their loss, not mine.  I'm glad somebody had "a pair" and posted this situation. Probably saved me alot of agrivation.
Have you read any of this thread?? The order was for a GT 40, not a Cobra. There is
not a long waiting list for GT 40s. In fact, ERA makes so few GT40s, they incur huge expense in connection which each one they make which is likely not recovered until final sale- and there might not be "a next person in line" for quite some time. If fact, Jose stated that Pavulon tried to find someone to take his spot in the GT 40 line, but could find no takers- not surprising for what will be a 100k plus car when it is finshed.
Bottom line, like Jose said, he ordered the car, they started building, he cancelled. Notwithstanding that per ERA's policy, Pavulon may not have been entited to
any refund, they apparently agreed to give him back his entire deposit (pretty good of them wouldn't you say?), and in fact have given half of his $$ back already (a fact conveniently omitted by Pavulon until page 5 of this thread). The fact is Pavulon is just pissed that he hasn't gotten back the rest of his deposit back as fast as he would have liked (do I need mention again that he may not have been entitled to a refund in the first place??) so he started this thread with the hope that ERA would be afraid that it would damage their reputation and they would crumble under the pressure. Pretty low brow tactic if you ask me. The repeated threats of contacting the Atty Gen were nice touch too
Unfortunately for Pavulon (and despite his best efforts), this BS thread will not damage a great reputation earned by consistently delivering quality products and service over the last 30 years.
As for you, if you think Pavulon is in the right and took the high road here, I am sure ERA will be happy to hear that you have crossed them off your list.