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VRM, You want to call a spade? You want to talk about acts of terrorism on the Israeli side? Go right ahead, I'd love to hear what facts you want to site. Provide references not just the line from Hamas or Hezzbolah. They have 0 credibilty.
Please tell us what Israel does and has done? I'd love to be enlightened.
Does Israel want to pursue the road map to peace? Yes.
Has Israel offered 99% of everything the Palestinians demanded only to be rejected and faced with another "infatada"? Yes.
Has Israel moved to turn over land to the Palestinians? Yes. (The Gaza)
Has Israel been repaid for this gesture toward peace? Yes, with missles.
Has Israel adopted a policy of the destruction of the Palestinian? No.
Does Israel have a policy of targeting women and children? No.
Has Israel indicated a willingness to return to peace talks if acts of terrorism stop? Yes.
Has Israel shown tremendous restraint in not obliterating the Palestinians in the face of non stop terrorist attacks on its citizens which have maimed and killed thousands which in proportion to our population is the equivilent of 10s of thousands of people. Yes. Would you expect our government or any other government to exercise such restraint if the shoe where on our foot? No. If this were happening in your backyard would you want your government to act aggressively to kill those responsible. Yes (if you have a brain).
Has Israel constantly being provoked by terrorist acts targeting hospitals, schools, restaurants etc.. even on holidays? Yes.
Does Israel teach its children to hate palestinians and kill them whenever possilbe from K1 on up. No. Do the palestinians have such an education program? Yes.
Does Hamas and Hezzbolah have a policy of tolerance toward jews and Israel? No.
Does Hamas (which now controls the palestinian parliment) have a policy and charter calling for the destruction of Israel. Yes. Does Israel have a reciprocal policy? No.
Has the world community asked Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist? Yes. What was Hamas' response? No.
The jews and the Israelis want peace. Hamas and Hezzbolah want the destruction of Israel along with their sponsor states Iran and Syria.
Your suggestion as how to handle the situation is inane and ridiculous. You also must be blind. Where is the world wide condemnation of the homocide bombers? Where is the world wide condemnation of Hamas, Hezzbolah? No, there is very little. What you constantly see is the press, human rights groups and the liberal constantly playing up any collateral damage and death when the Isreali retaliate. If the human rights groups want to condemn anything and stop the bloodshed they need to have a "media blitz" condemning the homocide bombers and terrorists who are responsible for not only the failure of the peace process but deaths on both sides. Anyone who can't figure this out is an idiot.
You want peace? Then you need to drill it through the palestians heads, the Iranian's head, Hezzbolah's head, the Syrian's heads that Israel is not going anywhere. If they want peace then they need to stop acting like animals, accept the Israeli state and work toward a palestian state which can live side by side with Israel. Stop teaching kindergarders to hate jews, kill jews and be a martyr for the destruction of Israel.
Israel is looking to be left alone and live in peace. They are not seeking to conquer or colonize anything contrary to the antisemetic and anti"Zionist" propaganda bullchit. If they wanted to colonize they wouldn't have return land to Eygpt and would not have turned the Gaza over.
If the Palestinians had a brain they would have had a country after the Camp David accords but they have shown they can't even govern themselves as shown in Gaza and spend more time bringing weopons in to attack Israel with then working toward moving forward as a self governing people looking to join the world community.
Wake up and open your eyes and stop with the bullchit sweeping allegations having no basis in fact. You sound like Amadinajad.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.