Originally Posted by Madmiles442
If you started with a Hurricane kit (quite accurate and very complete), assembled it yourself with your free labor, you might come out in the black.
Assuming 2 things: you get a "deal" on the paint/body work and you get a "deal" on the motor/trans.
You'd have to find that friend-of-a-friend that can hook you up on a paint job. Weekend work or whatever.
Your brother would have to build up a motor from a 351W junkyard find or other find (mild, not wild-no ROI on wild), rebuild a tranny on the cheap.
Assuming all that, you might get $3k-$5k clear.
Sounds good. I've been hearing Hurricane a lot. I've also been hearing Shell Valley. Both kits are equally priced. Have you done a Hurricane? Any idea of the total time involved or if there are any mods you have to do to the kit to make it work?