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Why did the chicken cross the road:
John Kerry: He crossed the road because he thought the grass was greener on the other side...but then he stopped and thought, y'know, it was actually greener on the side I was originally on. So he starts heading back to the first side but thinks again, Well I dunno, it wasn't that bad over there...
Al Gore: He walked out into the street in the hope of getting the guy driving a huge gas-guzzling SUV to stop so he could listen to the chicken tell him that his car was contributing to global warming
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Well, let me ask you a question...
John Edwards: To get to the other America
Barack Obama: He was off to sit down and speak with his enemies at a conference, no doubt
George Soros: He wanted to move on...
Ted Kennedy: Better a road to cross than a bridge! *Hic*
Jacques Chirac: The cheese is better on the other side
Hillary Clinton: Because he was left homeless and wandering since he had nothing left after having everything taken away from him for the common good
Michael Moore: Mmmmm! Chicken!
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi: He was running from his enemies, too much of a coward to fight back
Mary Landrieu: He was making a hard-fought journey after surviving a devastating hurricane to complain to FEMA that he wasn't getting all the benefits he was entitled to because that's more effective than getting a job and paying for them instead
Amnesty supporters: He was making the long, hard trek across the border illegally looking for a better life in the United States, only to demand the same rights as citizens
Bill Clinton: “We’re talkin’ ‘bout chicks? Where?”