Your situation alerts a lot of us to expect changes in life. I read your answer and was moved by it.
I'm 54 years old. Peg and I have owned our car for 13 years, and we still have it. However, I notice it's not quite as easy to get in and out of it as when I was 41 years old.
We have a lot of days in Baltimore that reach the mid-90's and usually have high humidity on top of the heat. There are a lot of weekends the car stays in the garage because of the heat.
When I subtract other potential driving days because of the cold, rain, work and home impact, I find I average just about 1,000 miles a year of Cobra time. On a positive note, I'm still surprised at the slight chill that usually runs up my neck almost every time that 427 lights up!
Sometimes I wonder what the next 13 years will bring.