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Mr. Kopec's informal response sets forth a legitmate reason to include Kirkhams in the registry regardless of the fact they are not considered by SAAC as genuine Cobras. They could lend themselves to being sold as originals by the unscrupulous. There are other reasons however, that I think justify their inclusion that I set forth in my original posts on this thread.
To illustrate I would simply point out that not only are Kirkhams included in the registry there will be the inclusion of Brock coupes, Lone Star and the new Ford GT. I don't think there is anyway they could be mistaken for an original. Therefore there are other reasons for including these cars. Some I can understand others I have no clue. Therefore as I said there may be multiple reasons for including any one type of car.
Xl8or: I don't know what you don't get or understand. It has nothing to do with ego or saying mine is better or getting my panties in a wad as many try to twist what I say. All I do is point to SAAC's official statement on their web page and what they accept the Continuatoin Cobra as. There may be multiple reasons for including various cars in the registry including preventing fraud later down the line especially with cars that are exact to spec but not original. I have no issue with trying to insure that there is no fraud and maintaining the purity of the originals. Thats a legitmate reason to include Kirkhams or any car that is exactly as original....i.e... to keep track of cars to prevent fraud. It also keeps someone from passing off a Kirkham as a Continuatoin Series.
U.S. Army Rangers. Leading travel agents to Allah.
Last edited by REAL 1; 10-05-2007 at 05:10 PM..