Ron - I definitely want to be a flying pig. Did you know that a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes?
Tru - when I go to the Vineyard it is a vacation. Of course, since I have a financial interest in a business on the Vineyard, my CPA sister who does my taxes insists its a business trip too.
Fred - blind, cripple or crazy ... 6 to 60 as they say. Beggars can't be choosers.

My plans are exactly as my plans when I'm home. It all depends upon the weather. If its lousy, I'll work on the computer and probably do some genealogy stuff and work on my family tree. I have a ton of pictures that need to be scanned. I also want to get back on my "weight loss" program, so I have some work to do to update my Excel spreadsheet.
If its a good day, I'll do some exploring in places I never been, play some golf, go fishing, etc, etc.
Of course, no matter what the weather, visit some friends, go out to eat, read a book or two or three, visit some local night spots ....
Everything except driving the Cobra
While there is approximately 15,000 year round residents, the population zooms to 80 to 90 thousand during the summer. Its a zoo. That's why I go in the fall. Two years ago I played golf 6 times during November!