Originally Posted by Sal Gerace
Is a shoulder belt required and or reccomended for an event like this? Also what tire pressures are run on the track with Goodyear Billboards.
Forget the billboards and get yourself a decent set of street tires for your first time out, take things real, real, real slow or your car will bite you in more than your assets. Shoulder belts ARE REQUIRED if you know what is good for you, along with a Snell SA2005/SA2007 rated full face helmet (properly fit and not purchased over the web). Might even consider a decent two piece single or double layer fire suit. If you must be like "the others", and must run Goodyear Billboards, then I suggest starting out with them at 27.5 cold in the front and 24psi cold in the rear andchecking your temps across the width of the tire after your first few laps. Adjust as needed to achieve an even temp reading across the width of the tire (check all four) and then mark down what the PSI is once cool and you'll have it set for the next time out.
Bill S.