Originally Posted by kris-kincaid
. The standard Shelby fuel system works fine, and you shouldn't need all sorts of large fittings and complicated fuel lines. There are a lot of 500hp and 600hp Shelby cars running around with the standard setup.
Kris, my car runs fine on the street, even OK runs on the chassis dyno. But, I can tell you with drag racing, the car starts to sputter and miss 1/2 way down the track, and on a speed way, on a back stretch, it seems to lose power, "hit a brick wall". Well, if I get this straightened out, I'll let you know, but I think there is a fuel supply issue with my car, as set-up, with the Carter super street mech pump and the stock electric pumps. What I need to do is to take it to the strip again. Not enough time this year.