NW Cobra Club Extreme Makeover Team
Fred, We all got together Saturday since your care was broke down and decided to suprise you with a NW Cobra Club Extreme Makeover Party at my house. Ray and I disagree on the best way to install your new webbers. Ray's thought of pulling your engine out through the trunk has merit. Steve is a little (very little) concerned that your "to die for " upolstry may get damaged during the process he has hired a crew from Labor Ready to remove it before we start. I being the more sensible one in the group thought we should go through that big oval hole in the front. It is a shorter distance than yanking the driveline and all out the trunk, but, no, everyone is so concerned no to damage your car. The front would save time and energy allowing more time to enjoy Steves free beer and pizza!! Anyway we do it I'm sure your new webber will be somewhere on the engine. Andy thought like I did. He said put you car on my body machine and spin it. I asked an engineer from Boeing about it, he thought that about 5500 RPM to 7500 RPM the unnecessary parts and engine should fly off for easy axcess. We have thougt of everything. You can put away your wallet, the committee decided this is a NW Cobra Club Charity, possibly swap meet Project.