I knew that headline would have got your interest! A great day for all who attended even though it was a bit dissappointing how many corvette club cars supported the gymkana events. Turned out being about 7 Corvettes, 1 Mustang and 5 cobras (Pete Graham, Wazza, Wayne and Me!) As usual, I didn't win any trophines BUT came away with the biggest scalp of all...
In the event for flags it was Wazza and B (for boyfriend) the best looking boke he could find in the crowd he reckons... and me and my girl Chris...
Well we beat O king and the victory smelt sweet!!!!!!!!
It's funny how you come away from a day like that and that little win had me smiling all evening.... Especially when Chris says to me that for an "old guy" he drives pretty quick but we drove quicker!!!!!