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Old 10-16-2007, 02:07 PM
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Default Paint your own Cobra?

I'm getting my winter projects lined up, and way in the back of my mind (probably more like Spring) I'm starting to think about painting my own Cobra. I have an 80 gallon 220V 2 stage Kellogg compressor with line dryer, a Binks spray gun, and way long ago when I was young I painted a few Corvettes that I owned. Taking my time and working hard to get the details in the prep right, they came out really nice. However, it's been over 25 years since I've done it, and I'm sure spray gun and paint technology has changed drastically. I have tons to try to relearn, and even more to learn period. I guess the question is, can anyone recommend some books and/or websites that I can start reading up on? Geez, my wife is going to be furious when she comes home again to a house that stinks like paint! Has anyone re painted a Cobra? Did you strip it or just go over the old paint (with lots of prep work, obviously). The body will be off the frame, and every single trim piece will be off the body, and still area shops are quoting me 8K and over. I'm guessing I can probably do it for 2 - 2.5K.
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