Uh, yeah we read 1)what someone said Kopec said 2) as I recall he didn't mention CSX cars in his supposed statement 3) you are reading into the statement way beyond what was actually said i.e. your own self serving interpretation and efforts to detract from what SAAC has clearly said on the subject 4) its not in anyway suggested to be SAAC's official statement or position even if you want to say it can be interpreted to include the Continuatoin series 5) Nor did it indicate it was the only reason exclusive of others. To the contrary and point in fact...SAAC was VERY specific in its OFFICIAL statement on its official website on the specific subject of CSX cars and what they considered them to be. Review it at
No one is confusing original with continuation series, not even me. They are both real but different series and no one is trying to mislead anyone. If you want to say the "original" is the only REAL series then fine, you can say that, thats your opinion and I understand why many feel that way on an emotional level or perhaps even out of some self motivation whatever that may be in any individual case. Thats fine. SAAC the main authority on the subject, however, has spoken on the subject and its clear. I just happen to agree with them.
Hey Sal: I like your suggestion of "Why can't we all get along". Wish it were so. But unfortunately some people love knocking anyone who is not a "racer" and others are always hell bent on knocking the Continuation series Cobras. Not that I really give a $hit but when others do I just point to the facts which undoubtedly gets characterized as me saying "mine is better then yours" since some don't like the facts and perfer no to let the facts get in the way of how they feel. They then resort to the "elitist" allegations. HoHum. Same ol' same ol'