1. Remove phenolic spacers (Webers love heat)
2. Change to 37 mm choke (better thottle response) currently running 40 mm
3. main jet 170 - 180 (current 150)
4. Etube F-14 (currently F-16 which is good)
5. air 225 (current 130)
6. bleed 00 (good)
7. holder 120 (good)
8. 60 jet (good)
These are recomendations are for SB. With BB you have to apply different settings or it will not run well, rich most of the time.
1. But not too much. They tend to boil the gasoline and spill it.Your intake manifold gaskets will not like it and you wont like the smell. Phenolic spacers work.
2. good for a SB, no good for a BB
3. good for a SB, no good for a BB
4. agree 100%
5. good for a SB, no good for a BB
6. good for a BB, maybe not for SB
7. 100 holder better for BB
8. 60-65 jet, your finetune
Inglese may not tell you everything, they want to sell their setups and sell you the tuning with it. Not too much usable info from them I am afraid.